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Benjie joined the group Silly Dogs
Rosaria Sanmiguel joined the group Silly Dogs
Stuffy joined the group Silly Dogs
Kiwi wiwi joined the group Silly Dogs
Wigz joined the group Silly Dogs
Canela & Homero joined the group Silly Dogs
Remona Arriola joined the group Silly Dogs
Russel Elsass joined the group Silly Dogs
Roscoe joined the group Silly Dogs
Maurine Mena joined the group Silly Dogs
Picasso joined the group Silly Dogs
Lineo joined the group Silly Dogs
Lennon joined the group Silly Dogs
Paim joined the group Silly Dogs
Shifu joined the group Silly Dogs
TooLoo joined the group Silly Dogs
Curly Sue ( Susie Q) joined the group Silly Dogs
Niko joined the group Silly Dogs
Coco joined the group Silly Dogs
Sissy joined the group Silly Dogs