• Loki posted an update in the group German Shepherd Dogs

    9 months, 3 weeks ago

    Hello my name is Jennifer and I have a very active short hair German Shephard who is close to a year old. I would love to know of any places around Benson NC where I can bring him so he can get some of his energy out where there isn’t alot of dogs around. His first 6 months of life was filled with abuse and having to fight for his food with his brothers. We rescued him from the place he was at but he still does not trust other dogs. It took us a month and a half for him to be ok around our other dogs. So he will not do good around dogs he does not know.

    • I have no idea about your area. We do have we rescued abused GSDs in common. I make sure I take a favorite toy anyplace where she may meet stranger dogs. It’s extremely important to socialize any dog but doubly important for an abused dog. Seattle has quite a few off leash dog parks and there are a lot of dogs in my apartment building. All seven deadly sins dwell within K-9s so it comes as no surprise that they guard their possessions closely.

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    • The point is I make sure her mouth is occupied in withholding the toy from the other dogs and doesn’t engage in the domination dance with teeth a available. Good luck.

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    • Dom i nation is a bad word?

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