Benson NC
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  • Loki posted an update in the group German Shepherd Dogs

    9 months, 3 weeks ago

    Hello my name is Jennifer and I have a very active short hair German Shephard who is close to a year old. I would love to know of any places around Benson NC where I can bring him so he can get some of his energy out where there isn’t alot of dogs around. His first 6 months of life was filled with abuse and having to fight for his food with his…[Read more]

    • I have no idea about your area. We do have we rescued abused GSDs in common. I make sure I take a favorite toy anyplace where she may meet stranger dogs. It’s extremely important to socialize any dog but doubly important for an abused dog. Seattle has quite a few off leash dog parks and there are a lot of dogs in my apartment building. All seven…[Read more]

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    • The point is I make sure her mouth is occupied in withholding the toy from the other dogs and doesn’t engage in the domination dance with teeth a available. Good luck.

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  • Loki posted an update

    9 months, 3 weeks ago

    I’m Loki, Loving. Hyper. Crazy #NewBarkerInThePack 🐶 German Shepherd

    Status Image
    • love
    Reacted by Molly And 2 Others
  • Loki joined the group Silly Dogs

    9 months, 3 weeks ago
    Silly Dogs
    Public GroupMembers 1,558